Privacy Policy
At our visitor's privacy rights are a priority.
Detailed below are the types of personal information our server receives and collects from visitors to, and how this information is safeguarded. We never disclose or sell information to third parties.
Web Beacons and Cookies:
Some features on may set cookies to store information such as the personal preferences of someone who visits our site.
Third party advertising companies place advertisements on which help financially support the website. These advertisers will often use web beacons and cookies when serving adverts on the website. These web beacons and cookies provide the advertisers (e.g. Google AdSense) with information including Internet Service Provider, your browser, visitor IP address and minor details such as the presence of Macromedia Flash player.
The purpose of these web beacons and cookies is generally to provide relevant adverts for the website's content.
Using the settings of your browser you can choose to control whether any website, advertiser, or third party can set cookies on your computer. You can choose from a range of settings that enable you not to accept any cookies at all up to allowing all sites (including third-party sites) to set cookies.
Log Files:
When you use the internet, the websites you visit are supplied to you by a server. These servers will automatically log certain information about you as a "visitor". For instance your ISP, your browser, your IP address, when and what pages you have visited. Normally we do not access these logs.
Our contact email address appears on our home page.